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Chapter Three: Eyes On Killarney


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David Dee said...

Zachary said we should walk along Bishop's Path near the cathedral so we could talk.

David Dee said...

As we walked I was impressed by all the beautiful trees, but my attention was drawn to Zachary's deep eyes and knowing manner as he turned to me with that special look.

Anonymous said...

My knee hurts a little.

dorothy said...

Zachary began to speak, then hesitated, but finally turned to me and asked, "Are you like me?"

dorothy said...

His question held both hope and fear, and I debated how to answer him.

patty said...

Zachary's intense eyes mesmerized me; though them I could sense his vibration and connect with his thoughts.

patty said...

The word TRUST flooded my mind, and I knew Zachary sensed this connection; I knew I had to trust this process that was unfolding and so I did,"We're not the only ones are we," I stated. " You already know the answer to that," he replied.

dorothy said...

Zachary beckoned for me to follow him, and follow him I did, through a narrow winding poassageway until we found ourselves in front of a storefront that read, "what Goes Around Comes Around."

patty said...
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David Dee said...

"This is Foley's Steak and Seafood Restaurant on High Street," said Zachary.

David Dee said...

"Their slogan is 'What Goes Around Comes Around', and that is why they have the best food in town, so that people will come again and again."

David Dee said...

"Yep, we're not the only ones who are hungry, for there are plenty in there."

dorothy said...

I sensed much more meaning in those words, but before I had a chance to say anything further, Zachary pulled me in the front door only to be greeted by Foley himself, "Hey Zach, I haven't seen you in awhile; who's your friend?"

patty said...

"This is Bishop, is Mrs. Foley here?" Foley greeted me warmly and pointed toward a back door.

patty said...

" She's in the kitchen... Foley hadn't even finished his sentence and Zachary was already darting toward the kitchen, so I followed.

patty said...

Mrs. Foley shot me a "Who's He?" look but Zachary assured her that I was O.K. and she pulled out a big book from behind a counter, "Put your thumbprint right here," she said as she placed my finger on the page.

patty said...

To my astonishment the print turned blue and Mrs. Foley gave me a big hug; I noticed there was a page of fingerprints, and they were all blue...what did it mean?

David Dee said...

"We can't be too careful in this current age, when the others have influence everywhere," Mrs. Foley warned.

David Dee said...

Mrs. Foley added, "We have special nano-protection for this room, and Zachary projects a light force that gives us the confidence to know that we can carry on with our work without detection."

David Dee said...

Zachary said, "Yes, no matter where I am, the amplification module and the light within me keeps this place safe."

patty said...

Zachary looked at me with a wink and a smile; then he whispered,
" Go along with me."

patty said...

" Is Emme here?" he asked Mrs. Foley, and a young girl as if on que, entered the room; she looked near my age and had long blonde ringlets to the middle of her back and the bluest eyes ever.

David Dee said...

I thought, "Well, this is going to complicate matters,", but as I did I looked into her blue eyes and realized her greatness and goodness.

David Dee said...

Emme's eyes pierced mine and sent a white joyful light into my awareness.

David Dee said...

Emme said, "I've been cutting up some herbs for the salads and preparing the water for the engines out back."

dorothy said...

Emme then addressed her next comment to me, "Would you like to come see," and Zachary nodded at me and said, "Go ahead, I'll talk to Mrs. Foley."

dorothy said...

When we got outside, Emme turned to me and said, "I sense that you are here for good, but if you hurt Zachary, you'll have to answer to me; I'm not as sweet as I look," she added with bravado."

patty said...

As I spoke to Emme a restaraunt patron walked past us and looked at me in a peculiar way; then he smiled and said, " You're too young to be talking to yourself young man...that's a sign of a crazy old man like me.

patty said...

I figured this guy must be half blind because Emme was standing there plain as day; Emme giggled and said she had some explaining to do because only "special" people could actually see her.

patty said...
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patty said...

I get that I'm special...but this mystery just got more complex

patty said...

...and so Emme starting explaining:
Bishop, your facelessness allowed for you to have an open and enlightened mind;an open mind is very powerful, so you can see what others cannot see and the knowledge of the universe is available to you.

dorothy said...

"Zachary and I," she continued, "also have a type of facelessness, but ours is different than yours."

dorothy said...

She noticed my look of curiosity, and so she added, "Zachary is a child, and so everyone looks past him; they don't recognize the depth of his eyes and soul nor realize that he understands far more than most people."

dorothy said...

I waited for her to add more and when she didn't, I asked, "And what about you?"

patty said...
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patty said...
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patty said...

" I am faceless to many because they do not understand and I am real to those who choose to see...

patty said...

Bishop, on September 9, 2009, the very day Zachary emerged, my physical body left this other words...I died; for a few minutes in the light I and others like me met with Mia and the soul who would be Zachary and we shared with them many things."

patty said...

Emme's revelations facinated me as she continued, " For some, death is an ending and for others death is merely an illusion, because life is eternal."

David Dee said...

"Emme, why do you have a presence in Killarney, and what do you see as our future together in this world of war and vast explosions on the distant horizon," Bishop asked with intense curiosity.

David Dee said...

"Emme, I have a distinct impression that Killarney is a focal point for powerful forces, both good and bad, and that much peace can be had here even in the midst of all of it."

David Dee said...

"What should we look forward to?"

David Dee said...

As Emme stood there without saying anything, I said, "If we are go make a difference in this world and in Killarney, how can your invisibility to most people help them, or sway them to a more perfect understanding of the most glorious and perfecting ways that matter most in this material world where war and worry are so bothersome and inevitable and affect their everyday lives?"

patty said...

Finally Emme spoke, " Bishop, there is much for you to learn because I and others like me are visible to many and our knowledge and understanding of all that is beautiful is available to all...if they choose to see, and the perfection and harmony of this universe can be revealed to those who want to hear.

patty said...

Emme continued, " I will tell you your eyes, look around, because right here in Killarney there are, Zachary, Dr.Fischer..."

patty said...

Dr. Fischer, I thought, isn't that the same Dr.Fischer who Bram was so against, and the very one who gave me my potion....he's here?

dorothy said...

Without trying to sound too curious, I asked, "Dr. Fischer, who is that?"

dorothy said...

Emme looked at me with amusement and disappointment, "Dr. Bishop delivered Zachary, right after he had pronounced me dead, but you already know who Dr. Fischer is to you, don't you?"

patty said...

" Your lack of trust has me tounge tied, Bishop; trust is essential if you are going to find your answers...I'm here to help and guide you but I can not bring you must come from within."

patty said...

" Trust in others and they will trust in you...what goes around comes around." I glanced away for a moment, and in that moment Emme dissapeared. Zachary had suddenly joined me. " Don't worry,Emme will be back," he reassuringly said.

patty said...

Zachary had been talking with Mrs. Foley for quite some time and I couldn't help it, I had to ask him about her crazy alien talk and about Emme; after all Mrs. Foley saw Emme too.

patty said...

Zachary explained: "Mrs. Foley had a real bad time with Emme dying, so Emme appeared to her, and because of her religious beliefs Mrs Foley thought she was crazy, but when she knew that I saw Emme too I sort of told her I was from the planet Zron,from another galaxy 168 light years away.

David Dee said...

"You know," Zachary said, "it's getting late, and all of this talk about the planet Zron, Dr. Fischer, and Emme's death and invisibility are too much for me."

David Dee said...

Bishop immediately agreed and begged to go to Mia's and Bram's cottage for a quiet dinner and conversation.

David Dee said...

"Where's your cottage, Zachary?", Bishop implored.

David Dee said...

"It's down Muckross Road near Killarney House and Gardens; so let's go and have a nice comfortable dinner, a nice slow and sedate conversation, and a nice rest to prepare for the morrow," said Zachary.

David Dee said...

"The light within me is begging for simplicity."

patty said...

Nothing seemed familiar as we walked along the path toward Zachary's cottage; I'd been there ealier that very day and yet somehow I'd forgotten it all...maybe I was going crazy.

patty said...

Zachary sensed my confusion and warmly said, " Bishop, grownups complicate simple things and in doing so they spoil the fun...Mrs Foley and I were having fun. Don't be in a rush to be grown up."

patty said...

Emme's words rang in my head...TRUST, and so I followed Zachary's lead, kept it simple, and decided to have some fun.

David Dee said...

Bishop was delighted as he sat at the oak table that Zachary said was built by Bram, and he was thrilled at the trees outside wet with rain that had recently fallen.

David Dee said...

The homemade delights Mia made were something that the universe had made to satisfy the hearts of wandering and wondering souls, like his.

David Dee said...

He loved the sparkling water and the juices made from it, which Mia said was used not only for physical and spiritual refreshment, but for the replenishment of the souls of the trees and plants, which helped harbor them in times of trouble.

patty said...

As I sat around the table with Mia, Bram, and Zachary, and savored each delectable bite, it occured to me that this was exactly the simplicity Zachary spoke of; a warm knowing stirred wihin me and I noticed a slight blue flicker from Zachary's eye.

patty said...

This simple family meal brought me such pleasure and I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty that I had never recognized or felt such a feeling at my own family table...why had I not noticed?

David Dee said...

Bram looked very comfortable in his home and at this table, but amidst his pleasure he looked at me with apparent questioning and wonder, but he didn't voice what was behind his querying eyes.

David Dee said...

He said, "'Tis good to have all that you want and know know to to constantly replenish yourself for every relevant need."

David Dee said...

"In this grove, Bishop, we have everything that satisfies the human soul, for nature provides it and unlocks its secrets to the inquiring and ready mind."

dorothy said...

I sat there thinking that these people seemed to understand their purpose, "What was my purpose?" I asked myself.

dorothy said...

All my life I sensed that I didn't belong, didn't fit, that something out there beckoned to me; now here I was in this cottage with three virtual strangers, and I felt more at peace than I had ever felt.

dorothy said...

As I thought about this safe haven I had found, I wanted to stay there forever, but something told me that this was not my purpose; this was just a weigh station along my path, but path to where--to what?

patty said...

I also recognized, however; that in simplicity there was a message for me, the key to my journey, and this beautiful place would unlock many mysteries for me...and although it would not be forever for now it was where I needed to be.

patty said...

Bram intrigued me by his statement; what exactly did he mean when he said that I could have all that I wanted?

patty said...

I'm not even sure Bram trusts me.

patty said...

...and for some reason I am blocked from reading his thoughts.

David Dee said...

"Bram is right about this place," Mia chimed in optimistically, "for he knows many things about energy and the environment because he's an inventor and a mechanic."

David Dee said...

"Zachary loves this place because of what it tells him and because Bram is happy and productive here."

David Dee said...

Bishop now knew that there was more to Bram than meets the eye, and Zachary had a strong connection to him, though it wasn't perfect, for Bram's strengths seemed to be elsewhere and apparently very strong.

dorothy said...

"Well, enough talk about us," Bram interrupted, as if he wanted to change the conversation, "tell us something about you."

dorothy said...

"What do I tell them?" I wondered to myself. I don't even understand my life, how could I expect them to?

dorothy said...

I remembered what Emme had said about trust, and decided to take the plunge.

patty said...

...I was born in America, I began.

David Dee said...

To make a long story a little shorter, I was born in Santaquin, Utah, without a face, but I acquired a face through medication and a miracle, and then after that I started to hear voices.

David Dee said...

I also acquired a singing voice that was apparently without equal.

David Dee said...

One of the voices was stronger than the others, and it kept coming and coming and coming.

David Dee said...

The voice was not only words, but it was a joyful force, and because it was so enthralling and rapturous, I had to find it, and so I set out on a quest to find it.

David Dee said...

I was 12.

patty said...

I've been here for two years wandering and searching, with no recollection of time.

patty said...

Two years ago I met Dr. Fischer and I sipped the potion that gave me my permanent face, but I don't know where I went, who I met, or what I did; at least I can't recall.

patty said...

The very last recollection I have is a vision of me sipping some potion and then being drawn to the park and Zachary.

patty said...

Mia suddenly chimed in, " You were with Dr. Fisher...Dr. Patrick Fischer...Bishop, do you remember where you were?"

patty said...

Bram suddenly looked agitated and Mia seemed very concerned.

patty said...

"We were in his office in New York City..and after that, I don't remember," I replied.

David Dee said...

"You had a strong desire to find the strong voice within your mind and wanted to find a way to earn the money to take a flight to Ireland, for I was calling you," said Zachary.

David Dee said...

"Now this is very enlightening," interjected Bram.

David Dee said...

"I led you to Constance Merlot of the Pro Musicis Singing Contest held in New York, for I knew that your singing voice would give you the first prize of $5000 and a ticket to Ireland."

David Dee said...

"And you were fantastic. You had a 15-minute standing ovation, and people were in tears and sat there for a long time visibly changed and shaken by your performance."

David Dee said...

"And we were together on the plane, but you were operating on instinct and your inward light, and now you are here."

patty said...

As Bram spoke to me I heard every word he said; it was as if he were talking about a character in a movie only the movie was about me and I was that character.

patty said...

" Why don't I remember any of this?"

David Dee said...

Zachary said, "Bishop, you cannot remember because you had accidentally taken too much of the medicine, Facialforce, which had an unusual affect upon you, but now you are here, and it doesn't matter anymore."

David Dee said...

"You have a destiny to fulfill," added Zachary.

patty said...

This time the voice I heard inside my head was my own.

patty said...

This voice, the All Knowing true side of myself,spoke to me in the loudest whisper," not be afraid."

patty said...

Your past is not important.

patty said...

It is your NOW that determines your future; your destiny unfolds NOW!

patty said...

Move forward and find those who have been waiting; the world is ready for you.

patty said...

I realized that I'd been standing there silent for nearly a minute, so I turned to Zachary, " I do beleive I'm ready for what's ahead."

David Dee said...

"My father," Zachary began, "has developed an energy system that allows us to thrive completely on what we grow, on the water from the sea, and on power that's independent of any power grid and that can act both as a powerful force field and an invisibility cloak, if warranted."

David Dee said...

"This is our haven, fortress and base of operations."

David Dee said...

Bram confessed, "I can see now that Zachary has some marvelous gifts that will help us achieve our goals, and that you, with your gifts, will be a great asset."

David Dee said...

Mia nodded her head and smiled and drew them all close to her with her approving eyes.

patty said...

" What you have developed here, Bram, is truly remarkable and I would like to learn about your goals; I have no doubt that Zachary and I are part of this bigger picture."

patty said...

As I stood before Bram a definite energy within me grew stronger, and I could feel it's warmth and presence.

patty said...

A vortex in my mind had opened; Zachary felt it too.

patty said...

I looked over to Bram, "So tell me, what is it that you have against Dr. Fischer?"

David Dee said...

"He means well," Bram said, "but his unconventional methods, though often effective, produce such trauma and pain in his patients."

David Dee said...

"However, in the case of Bishop, his medicine and methods produced such a shock that Bishop's soul was changed forever, and that is good for us."

dorothy said...

"Do you know where Dr. Fischer is now?" I asked Bram.

dorothy said...

Bram looked at Mia and then at me and admitted hesitantly, "He seems to have disappeared; no one knows where he is."

dorothy said...

"You realize of course that we must find him; he is part of the plan," I said, and Zachary, Mia, and Bram's faces told me that they had known this truth, but yet were afraid to move forward to this end."

dorothy said...

Then Mia spoke up with confidence, "Together we can do it; now that you are here Bishop, we must find Dr. Fischer."

patty said...

I nodded in agreement, " I think it would be wise for Zachary and me to see what we can find out; someone must know something."

patty said...

" Besides, two boys can find out much more than adults."

patty said...

Once again I heard faint voices inside my head, urging me to move forward. " I sense, very strongly, that Dr. Fischer is very near."

David Dee said...

"Dr. Fischer knows the extensive layout of our grove very well, for he helped build some of the underground grottos and bunkers, so he could be underground using the equipment," Bram said.

David Dee said...

Bram continued, "If we are go carry out our plan to help those who need our help desperately, then we need Dr. Fischer's medical and experimental expertise coupled with Zachary's ability to see distances and locate problem spots."

David Dee said...

Bram confessed, "Bishop's unequaled vocal tones will contribute a great deal, but Dr. Fischer's insight into Bishop's condition will help us avoid any problems."

dorothy said...

Bishop suggested, "Why don't we go find Emme; maybe she knows something."

dorothy said...

"Let's sleep on everything tonight, and then first thing in the morning we'll go to Emme," Zachary responded.

dorothy said...

That sounded like a plan to me; I was suddenly exhausted.

patty said...

I must have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

patty said...

It was nearly 3am when I opened my eyes to find Emme sitting on the edge of my bed; I thought I was dreaming, but I wasn't.

patty said...

" You called for me, and so I am here," she said in a whisper.

patty said...

"Emme, I don't could you know..."

patty said...

" You will in time, Bishop," Emme replied.

patty said...

" Emme, I began, I need your help."

patty said...

" I have to go now, Bishop...but seek out Ian Smythe from Killarney for he will be of great assistance."

patty said...

"Wait! Emme...Wait!" but Emme vanished as quickly as she had appeared.

David Dee said...

I didn't sleep well, but during a few moments of drowsiness I had a dream of the giant arcing light explosion, and then the next thing I knew, sunlight was coming through the window.

David Dee said...

I sat up, looked down, and saw the Killarney Telephone Listings.

David Dee said...

I wondered who this Ian Smythe was, so I looked in the book and saw the listing: Ian Smythe - "Killarney Musical Society".

patty said...

As soon as Zachary is up and about, the Killarney Musical Society is exactly where we shall go.

patty said...

I sat by my window and basked in the morning sunlight; a quick vision of my parents popped into my head,then it was gone.

patty said...

Soon afterward, Zachary was stirring about; like me, he was anxious to begin our new day.

dorothy said...

When I met Zachary in the kitchen, I asked, "Do you know an Ian Smythe?"

dorothy said...

"Yes," he replied, "he runs the Musical Society, and gives music lessons to only those students who are gifted in music."

dorothy said...

"Can you take me to him today?" I asked, hoping he would agree.

dorothy said...

"Okay, but it's really hard to get to see him; I doubt we will get very far."

dorothy said...

"I think I know a way," I told him, and we left the house before Bram and Mia even awoke.

David Dee said...

Zachary said, as he led me up Muckross Road to the Musical Society, "Ian's surrounded by his friends and his guards because he is world renowned for achieving miraculous results with already-perfect voices ."

David Dee said...

"You often see people mingling about the Musical Society building waiting for an appointment or word from him that he is granting them an audience, but no one knows who will be the chosen few who will get the privilege, for Ian is very secretive and very protected."

David Dee said...

I wondered what Ian Smythe had to do with Dr. Fischer and Emme, but I was sure Zachary knew something; so I wanted to pursue it to the end.

David Dee said...

And I was developing a strong friendship with Bram and Mia, so I had to know.

patty said...

Zachary and I reached the top of Muckross Road and before us stood the Muscial Society building; it had once been an old stone church, now converted.

patty said...

It's simplistic beauty took my breath away.

patty said...

It had a huge stone tower with a large church bell that made it appear to be a castle.

patty said...

As I stood there admiring the tower Zachary turned to me, " The bell rings when ever an audience is granted and a new voice is discovered."

patty said...

" That has not happened in a very long time."

patty said...

As Zachary spoke, the music of Mozart, Bethoven, Bach, and Chopin softly played in my head....I heard every detail, every instrument...playing in symphony.

patty said...

It was so beautiful that I could not contain myself.

David Dee said...

I sang in tones that I had never heard myself sing before, and I heard a voice say that "you have consistency of timbre across your full vocal range of 15 octaves."

David Dee said...

I lifted up my voice and felt Zachary rise with me as the church bell in the tower rang and rang.

David Dee said...

Suddenly the Musical Society building doors burst open, and out ran a man in flowing robes and long hair.

David Dee said...

He ran to us with his strong looking entourage and quickly ushered us into the building's beautiful interior, and then into a small plush room, where he sat us down and told us some wonderful things over the space of an hour.

patty said...

I turned to him with eager anticipation," Mr. Smythe...sir...I was told that you could be of great assistance to me."

patty said...

"Go on young man...and how is that I can help you?" he said.

patty said...

" I was hoping that you might know where I can find Dr. Fischer."

patty said...

He looked at me with the kindest of eyes as he abruptly said, "I'm afraid I can't be of any help to you," and he stood up to leave.

patty said...

Panic filled my belly and I reached for his arm,"Please...Emme said that you would help me, she said that Ian Smythe would be of great assistance and I believed her!"

patty said...

" Emme told you this...did she...well why didn't you say so?" and he quickly left the room and closed the door behind him.

patty said...

A minute later he returned with a young boy who looked to be a few years younger than me, " Bishop...I'd like you to meet my grandson, Ian Smythe."

patty said...

" I believe you two have much to talk about."

David Dee said...

"You must be Ian Smythe, Jr., and your father, of course, is the head of the Musical Society."

David Dee said...

"Or are you Ian Smythe the 2nd or 3rd?"

David Dee said...

"Your grandfather told us so much about what he has done over the years and the great, great vocalists he has taught and nurtured, and he has told us that you too have a great musical ability that even he cannot grasp."

David Dee said...

"I feel like I want to sing a duet with you of a song of your choosing, for I believe that I can do it justice, especially with your help."

patty said...

"I agree Bishop, and I will find a song for us to sing together at the performance in two weeks because many important people will attend."

patty said...
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patty said...

"In answer to your question, my father was Ian Smythe also; but he died when I was just a baby."

patty said...

"He worked for the United States Govt and he was killed in Iraq in 2007."

patty said...

"My grandfather was devestated; he was very outspoken and against the war."

patty said...

"My mother decided to bring us here to Killarney to live with my grandfather, and we have been here ever since."

David Dee said...

I suddenly noticed that Zachary was not in the room and thought he must be with Ian's grandfather just beyond the door.

David Dee said...

"Do you know anything of Zachary Kildare, the young man visiting with your grandfather?", asked Bishop.

David Dee said...

"Yeah", said Ian, "He and his father live in a special place on Kildare Hollow on the lower end of Muckross Road."

David Dee said...

"Emme told me about him and said that plans are being made and to watch out for special friends that would come my way."

patty said...

As if she were on que, Emme appeared from nowhere, "I see you two are getting aquainted...have you chosen a song for your duet?"

patty said...

It was almost astonishing, how could Emme possibly know?

patty said...

She turned to Ian, " Your father is quite excited and proud; we all are, and we are looking forward for the two of you to sing.

patty said...

"Everyone will be there."

patty said...

I was more confused than ever, "Ian I'm sorry, but didn't you tell me your father died when you were just a baby?"

patty said...

" Yes that's true...Bishop," he replied.

patty said...

" There's alot you've yet to learn..but there is time for that; Emme's right we really should get to a song."

patty said...

Somehow deep inside I sensed that the special place on Kildare Hollow, and the strange goings on there, was part of a bigger picture; and I knew that Ian Smythe and I were destined to be part of it.

patty said...

I also knew that Bram, Mia, Zachary, and Dr.Fischer were involved in something huge....
" So what song shall we sing,Ian?" I turned to him and said.

David Dee said...

"Bishop, our family has held sacred a special song with sacred words and purpose, but we don't know its exact origin, for it was passed down from generations past along with written instructions that only say, "To be sung by the two unique ones."

David Dee said...

"It's purpose has largely been a mystery, except that it was signed by several venerated Kildares from long ago, and so we keep it and wait for the ones who will sing it."

David Dee said...

"Emme came into our lives suddenly one night and talked about the song and its purpose, and we hold that purpose in our hearts until it is fulfilled."

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